Last updated 24.03.2024



1.       introduction

1.1     These Terms and Conditions of Entry (the Terms)are legally binding and contain the agreement between all attendees (guest(s)/you/your)of all LWE events (Event(s)) promoted by A Man About A Dog Limited(company number 08817956), registered address at 3 Pancras Square, London N1C4AG (Promoter/we/us/our).

1.2     Please read these Terms carefully as allTickets to Events are sold subject to these Terms, and they are deemed acceptedby you (on your behalf and on behalf of everyone for whom you are purchasing aTicket) upon purchase of your Ticket to an Event. They should be read inconjunction with the terms and conditions of the authorised ticket agent fromwhich you purchased your Ticket which can be found on the ticket agent’swebsite. If these Terms are inconsistent with the terms of the ticket agent,these Terms will take priority.

1.3     We reserve the right to vary these from time totime without notice and at our sole discretion. Updates will be published onthe Event websites and the date at the top of these Terms will be updated toreflect the date of the latest amendments.

1.4    Anydirectives or statements printed on the Tickets or posted or announced at or inrelation to an Event, also form part of these Terms.

1.5     In the instance of a breach of any of theTerms, we reserve the right to cancel the Ticket(s) and eject the offender(s)and retain all monies paid.

1.6     As used herein, Ticket means a paper,mobile/bar code, email, wristband or such other form of proof of entry thatbecomes available on the market from time to time which grants you entry to anEvent.


2.       agepolicy

2.1     Only persons over the age of 18 shall bepermitted entry to an Event with a valid Ticket for entry. For some Events,only persons over the age of 21 shall be permitted entry, in which case, thiswill be made known to you when purchasing a Ticket.

2.2     We only accept the following forms of ID: ValidPhoto Driving Licence, Valid Provisional Photo Driving Licence, Valid Passport,Valid PASS card from the National Proof of Age Standards Scheme (this is thebest form of ID to bring if you don’t want to bring a valuable document). Moreinformation on how to obtain your PASS card can be found here. ID must be original. No copies or photos willbe accepted. We reserve the right to refuse admission if, in our opinion(including that of any third parties instructed by us) there is any doubt thatthe Ticket holder is under the applicable entry age requirement. In suchinstance, you will not be entitled to a refund and your Ticket will beinvalidated.

2.3     We and the Venue (as defined below) operate astrict Challenge 25 policy across all bars at the Event and valid ID isrequired to buy and drink alcohol.

2.4     Anyone under the age of 18 (or, whereapplicable, 21) and anyone caught buying alcohol for someone under the age of18 will be ejected (together with, at our discretion, anyone in the same party)from the Event without any refund.


3.       ticket purchase

3.1     Tickets purchased from authorised sellers andre-sellers will be subject to the sellers terms and conditions which you acceptwhen purchasing a Ticket. You should read these terms and conditions carefully.Should you have a query relating to your Ticket purchase, you should firstcontact the authorised seller or re-seller from which you purchased yourTicket.

3.2     Only guests holding a valid Ticket will beadmitted to an Event. You must retain your Ticket on you at all times duringthe Event. If you are using a mobile Ticket, it is your responsibility toensure you have a sufficiently powered mobile device enabling you to show yourTicket for the entire duration of the Event.

3.3     Tickets are not exchangeable, refundable ortransferable. Re-sale or attempted re-sale is not allowed, unless expresslyauthorised by us (at our discretion) via the authorised Ticket reseller(including SeeTickets, Resident Advisor Resale, Dice and TicketSwap). Seesection 4 below.

3.4     Any attempt to exchange or transfer your Ticketin breach of this section shall result in your Ticket (and the Ticket of anyonein your party) being void (resulting in the Ticket not being valid for entry,and, if already entered, ejection from the Event) without refund. If you arebuying or selling a Ticket from an official Ticket reseller, please read theirterms and conditions carefully. Any Tickets part paid for are not eligible forresale.

3.5     Tickets, wristbands and/or other forms ofrights to attend an Event are personal, revocable licences granted by us toeach Ticket holder and shall at all times remain our property. For securitypurposes, we reserve the right to recall any accreditation or other rights toattend an Event at any time.

3.6     You are prohibited from using your Tickets aspart of any promotion, competition, advertisement or give away, or as part ofany product or service package, or for commercial gain, without our expresswritten permission. Any attempt to do so will result in your Ticket (and theTicket of anyone in your party) being void (resulting in the Ticket not beingvalid for entry, and, if already entered, ejection from the Event) withoutrefund.

3.7     We are not liable for lost, stolen or defacedTickets or wristbands. If you lose or damage your Ticket or wristband, you willnot be able to enter the Event. All Tickets and/or wristbands will be checkedwhen entering the Event.

3.8     Ticket price and availability may be subject tochange without notice prior to purchase.

3.9     Your Ticket may be invalidated without refundif any part of it is removed, defaced, altered or damaged, whether accidentalor not. It is your responsibility to keep your Ticket safe and in its originalcondition.

3.10   Upon purchase, please check Tickets carefullyas mistakes cannot always be rectified after purchase. Should you realise youhave made a mistake during the purchase process, please contact your point ofpurchase as soon as you realise so that we may try to assist you. We may not beable to respond to such requests for assistance during or immediately prior toan Event.

3.11   Tickets are not issued on a sale or returnbasis and refunds will not be made on returned Tickets unless provided forunder these Terms.

3.12   Ownership or possession of a Ticket does notconfer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on you to use, alter, copy orotherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectualproperty appearing on the Ticket.

3.13   Tickets may be restricted to a maximum numberper household or per credit card. These restrictions will be notified to you byour authorised Ticket agents before you make your booking. We reserve the rightto cancel Tickets purchased in excess of this number without prior notice ofsuch cancellation.

3.14   If your Ticket is purchased or issued through amembership or schemes such as student memberships, NHS or Blue Light Cardmemberships, tickets for good, etc, you may be asked to produce valid ID toprove that you hold such memberships and are entitled to the Ticket under anyterms under which it was issued.


4.       Unauthorised Ticket Agents & Touting

4.1     Please only buy Tickets through authorisedsellers or resellers, and not from touts or unauthorised resale sites. If webecome aware that you have bought Tickets anywhere other than from officialauthorised outlets you may not be granted access to the Event without refund.We will not be able to help you (for example in respect or refunds or accessrequirements) if you have bought a Ticket from an unauthorised source, as wewill have no purchase history for the Ticket.

4.2     Tickets bought from unauthorised agents are notvalid and admission will not be granted to the Event if you attempt to use anyTicket bought from unauthorised agents. To be as safe as you can and to avoidobtaining an unauthorised Ticket, follow these simple guidelines (which are notintended to be an exhaustive list):

4.2.1   Do not buy from an unofficial Ticket agent. Ourofficial Ticket agents include SeeTickets, Resident Advisor, Skiddle, Dice,Ticketweb, Ticketmaster and Fever. We may also sell Tickets directly forcorporate or group bookings and we have other online or in-store officialTicket agents. If you are in doubt as to whether or not a Ticket agent isauthorised please contact us in advance of the Ticket purchase and we will behappy to assist. For more information on authorised Ticket agents for an Eventplease visit our website or the official Event page;

4.2.2   Read all terms and conditions provided by theofficial Ticket agents before purchase;

4.2.3   You may be able to purchase a Ticket from anofficial Ticket reseller (including SeeTickets, Resident Advisor Resale, Diceand TicketSwap) from time to time. Do not buy from unofficial resale or fan tofan Ticket agents;

4.2.4   If there are no Tickets available, do not betempted to buy from unofficial Ticket agents, instead, contact us foravailability and guidance;

4.2.5   Do not buy from internet auction sites orexchange/buy Tickets on social networking sites such as Facebook;

4.2.6   If you live in the UK do not buy from a websitewith an overseas office address, or with no registered address shown; and

4.2.7   Do not buy from another individual or tout,either in advance of, or outside, an Event.

4.3    If you doencounter problems with a Ticket order please contact your credit card issueras soon as possible.

4.4    Occasionally,due to genuine circumstances, you may find yourself with a spare Ticket. Pleasedo not be tempted to sell it on an unauthorised auction site or to sell to aTicket tout or unauthorised online agency. If you do the purchaser may not beable to enter the Event (under the Terms) for the reasons set out above. Shouldthis happen you may find that the purchaser brings a legal claim against youfor selling a Ticket which does not permit access to the Event.

4.5    We reservethe right to cancel any Ticket booking which we reasonably believe to have beenmade with a view to resell such Tickets, other than via our official reseller,or, where the Ticket has been purchased using fraudulent means, such as creditcard fraud.

4.6     Tickets obtained in breach of these Terms shallbe null and void and we may refuse admission to, or eject you from, the Event.Any person seeking to use a void Ticket in order to gain or provide entry tothe Event will be considered to be a trespasser and will be ejected withoutrefund and liable to legal action. Void Tickets are non-refundable.


5.       Groups

5.1    The guestmaking the booking, when booking on behalf of other people, is responsible forcirculating these Terms to their party and making sure that they have read andunderstood them.


6.       entry and exit

6.1    For yoursafety and the safety of other guests, once you have entered the Venue for theEvent, there will be no re-entry allowed. In addition to the Venue’s own searchpolicy, we reserve the right to search all guests and guest’s property andrefuse admission to, or eject from the Venue, any person who refuses to besearched. Refusal to consent to such searches will result in the non-consentingTicket holders being denied entry (resulting in the Ticket not being valid forentry, and, if already entered, ejection from the Event) without refund.

6.2    There willbe no admission to the Event before the designated opening times or after thelast entry time. You should check opening times and last entry times whenpurchasing tickets or contact us if you are not sure. There will be no refundsfor denied entry before opening times or last entry times.

6.3    Inaddition to the Venue’s own admissions policy, we reserve the right to refuseyou entry to and/or eject you from an Event. In particular but withoutlimitation you may be refused admission to or removed from the Event for any ofthe following reasons: for health and safety or licensing reasons; if youbehave in a manner which has or is likely to affect the enjoyment of otherpersons at the Event; if you use threatening, abusive or insulting words ormannerisms; if, in our reasonable opinion, you are acting under the undueinfluence of alcohol or drugs; if you fail, when required, to produce proof ofidentity or age; if you refuse to comply with the security searches; if youbreach these Terms; if you breach the Venue’s terms; and/or if your Ticket isvoid.

6.4    No refundswill be offered to guests who are refused entry or ejected from the Event at ourdiscretion.

6.5    If you arerefused entry to the Event, or have been previously ejected, you may notpurchase another Ticket or otherwise gain entry to that Event.

6.6    Failure toproduce the appropriate receipt/Ticket or pass, when so requested, may resultin ejection from the Event, without later claim or compensation.

6.7    There areno pass-outs and no re-admission after first entry to the Event for any Ticketholders.  

6.8    If you areentering the Event as a guest (including guestlist and other situations whereyou are entering the Event but have not purchased a Ticket, e.g. competitionwinner or complimentary entry), you might be asked to show ID to prove that youare the named guest and you must arrive with your entire party to ensure thatall members of your party are accredited to the Event. We reserve the right torefuse entry to any member of a guest party that does not arrive at the sametime as the named guest. You should ensure that information submitted to us forguest entry is accurate. Should you need to change any information submitted tous relating to guest entry, you should do this as soon as possible. We cannotguarantee that guest information can be changed once submitted and entryinformation has been provided. If entering an Event as a guest, you will berequired to follow any instructions provided by us relating to entry.


7.       Prohibited Items & Unacceptable Behaviour

7.1    Prohibiteditems or any items that we, the Venue or third parties acting on our behalf(such as security) deem to be either; a risk to the safety, security orenjoyment of others; unsuitable to be taken to the Event; or, may be used in anillegal or offensive manner (regardless of whether or not the item itself isillegal) are not permitted to be taken into the Event. In certaincircumstances, entirely at our discretion, we may allow you to dispose of suchitems in order that you may be admitted to the Event. In such circumstances,the items will be disposed of in any manner we or the Venue or suchthird-parties think appropriate and you will not be entitled to recover suchitem at a later time.

7.2    Ticketholders may be ejected if found in possession of prohibited items at the Event.Prohibited items include but are not limited to:

7.2.1   Food and Drink. no food or drink can be takeninto the Event (unless authorised by the Venue for specific purposes);

7.2.2   Drugs / Controlled / Psychoactive Substances –illegal drugs, Nitrous Oxide, ‘Legal Highs’ or any associated paraphernalia;

7.2.3   Weapons or replica weapons (or anything thatcould be considered a weapon in our opinion or that of security providers);

7.2.4   Animals;

7.2.5   Bicycles, roller-skates, skateboards, scooters,personal motorised or non-motorised vehicles, except for wheelchairs;

7.2.6   Items considered to be dangerous orinappropriate in a venue environment, including, but not limited to; glass inany form, spray cans, gas canisters or compressed gas in any container,fireworks, flares, candles, pyrotechnics, smoke canisters, chinese lanterns,confetti, balloons, explosives, firearms, knives or blades, replica weapons ofany sort, large golf umbrellas, stools, sports equipment, flags and banners,megaphones, amplification equipment, speakers, klaxons, airhorns, laserdevices, remote controlled drones, hi-visibility tabards or similar;

7.2.7   Any other items which we, the Venue or oursecurity providers reasonably consider could pose a threat to the health andsafety or enjoyment of any other guests; and

7.2.8   All items listed as prohibited on our websites,specific Event websites, on social media or other method of communication priorto the Event.

7.3    Moshing,crowd surfing, climbing on Event or Venue structures and anti-social behaviourof any sort is not permitted at any Event.


8.       Smoking

8.1    Inaccordance with Smoke-Free Regulations, smoking (including e-cigarettes /vaping) is not permitted inside Venues. Normal statutory rules and regulationsapply and should be observed at the Event and failure to do so may result inejection from the Event without a refund.

8.2     You will be responsible for the costs of anydamage caused by your smoking and for any fines which may be charged to us orto you as a result of you smoking outside of any designated smoking area.


9.       Nuisance

9.1     You must be respectful of all other Eventguests and those individuals otherwise at the Event and our neighbouringresidents at all times. Any anti-social behaviour of any sort is not permitted.

9.2     Guests who in our reasonable opinion arecausing nuisance may be asked to leave the Event immediately and will not beoffered a refund.


10.     Filming,Photography & CCTV

10.1  Unauthorisedphotography, video, audio recording and transmission of the Event, theperformers and the performance for professional purposes or financial gain isstrictly forbidden.

10.2  Professionalaudio and imaging equipment and drones are not permitted to be brought to theEvent.

10.3  Guestsattending the Event consent to being photographed, filmed and sound recorded asan audience without payment, and to their image being exploited in any and allmedia for any purpose at any time throughout the world by (us or our licensees)who shall own the copyright in all such recordings. All personal data will beprocessed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

10.4  CCTV maybe in operation at the Venue. Images are recorded for the prevention of crimeand disorder and for any other reasons as confirmed by the Venue. If requested,images will be passed directly to the Police by the Venue. We are notresponsible for such CCTV.


11.     Trading& Commercial Activity

11.1  Only thosespecifically authorised by us or the Venue to undertake trading, marketing orcommercial activity at an Event may do so. You shall not bring into an Event ordisplay or distribute (whether for free or not) at an Event any sponsorship,promotional or marketing materials.


12.     venues

12.1   We are not responsible for the venues at whichthe Events take place (Venues).

12.2   You are expected to comply with all rules,regulations and procedures set by the Venue. It is your responsibility to checkthe Venues terms and conditions of entry and ensure compliance with those. Weare not responsible for these terms and conditions. A Venue may include termssuch as the following (which are an example only, are not exhaustive, and mightnot apply to every Venue):

12.2.1       reserve the right to eject you from the Venue incertain instances;

12.2.2       reserve the right to conduct searches and havetheir own security policies;

12.2.3       confiscate prohibited items;

12.2.4       restrict you from taking photos or videos,including using professional equipment (including go-pros and drones) and usingyour phone or non professional equipment (they may include measures such ascovering your phone camera with a sticker, deleting any unauthorised photos andrecordings and confiscation);

12.2.5       have their own cloak room and lost propertypolicies;

12.2.6       have their own entry requirements and reservethe right to refuse entry to the Venue in certain instances;

12.2.7       have their own zero tolerance to drugs policy;

12.2.8       have their own restrictions on things such as:illegal substances (including new psychoactive substances (commonly known as'legal highs') and/or other drugs considered to be unsafe); animals; food orany form of liquid (including drinks and perfume); chewing gum; bottles;weapons; ammunition; horns; whistles; drums, megaphones, amplificationequipment, klaxons, air horns; fireworks, flares, smoke canisters, explosives,firearms, knives, blades, or any other article which may be used as a weapon ormissile, or which may cause danger or disruption to visitors at the Venue(regardless of whether or not such item is illegal or is carried for specificpurposes); large bags; throwing items; climbing or standing upon fences,barriers, walls, safety fences, arrangements, structures, exhibits or buildingsor similar; hi-visibility tabards or similar; marker pens, spray paint or anyother similar items that may be used to mark infrastructure;

12.2.9       operate CCTV at the Venue;

12.2.10      havecapacity limits in certain areas of the Venue;

12.2.11      havetheir own dress code;

12.2.12      havetheir own privacy policies and complaints procedures; and

12.2.13      includeterms such as any Venue guests consent to being photographed and recorded.  

12.3   We shall not be liable to you in the event thatyou are refused entry to or ejected from an Event by the Venue and you shallnot be entitled to a Ticket refund in such instance.

12.4   We are not liable to you for any property orequipment that a Venue (or anyone acting on its behalf) confiscates, loses,damages or destroys.


13.     FurtherInformation

13.1   The Events are subject to licence.

13.2   You must comply with any and all instructionsgiven to you by us, the Venue and/or stewards and staff at an Event.

13.3   Whilst every effort is made to ensure that thefull, advertised billed performances take place, we reserve the right to changethe published bill and/or running times without notification.

13.4   Any published start and finish times of aperformance at an Event are estimates only and are subject to change. ThePromoter shall not be liable for any change of a published start or finishtime. It is your responsibility to make appropriate arrangements to ensure thatyou arrive at the Event in sufficient time (taking into account time requiredfor queuing and searching to enter the Event) in case the Event or theperformance you wish to see starts earlier than the published time or otherwiseto ensure you are able to stay until the close of an Event or performanceshould you wish to if it overruns. We will not be responsible to make anyrefund or meet the costs of any alternative travel arrangements or for any lossof enjoyment or other indirect loss as a result of an Event not running to theprecise advertised times or for your late arrival at an Event.

13.5   We reserve the right to implement anyrestrictions/conditions deemed necessary before and during an Event to ensurethe safe management of the Venue. You must at all times comply with anyand all instructions given to you by Event staff and stewards (including Venuestaff and stewards). 


14.     AccessRequirements

14.1   We offer one free Ticket for a personalassistant to accompany a Ticket holder with certain access requirements to anEvent. We will require you to provide valid documentation of your accessibilityrequirements before issuing the free Ticket. Information on whether you areeligible for a personal assistant pass, how to apply and the approved forms ofsupporting documentation can be found on our website or by contacting us usingthe contact e-mail address shown below.  

14.2   If you have access requirements please contactus as far in advance of the Event as possible, and in any event no later than 7days prior to the Event. If you have not notified us of your accessrequirements in advance we cannot guarantee that we will be able to cater toyour needs though we will use reasonable endeavours to do so. We will confirmby email if we are able to provide assistance.


15.     UnavoidableCancellations or closures

15.1   In the event of cancellation or closure for anyother reason outside of our reasonable control, we reserve the right to cancel orclose an Event if we feel it is unsafe, illegal or impossible to allow it totake place or to allow you access to an Event. Where an Event is cancelled,closed or postponed for reasons outside of our control the provisions ofsection 17 below will apply in relation to entitlement to refunds.


16.     Epidemic/PandemicIncluding Covid-19

16.1   We expect guests to follow all applicable laws,regulations, rules, government or competent authority guidance and any Venuerules or guidance in relation to any epidemic or pandemic which may affect anEvent including Covid-19 or any mutation of it (Serious Health Risk) andkeep abreast of relevant changes that may affect their attendance at an Event.

16.2   We reserve the right at our absolute discretionand without payment of refund or any other compensation to amend these Termsfrom time to time in order to ensure that we comply with all applicable laws,regulations, rules, orders, guidance (whether or not having the force of law)and any other requirements relating to Serious Health Risks issued by the UKGovernment or any other competent authority. Such measures may include wearingof face masks, social distancing measures, limiting numbers at the Venue andrequiring proof of health or vaccination status.

16.3   If we reasonably believe that the rules arebeing broken or our guests or staff are being put at risk, we will ask guestswho are breaking the rules to leave the Event without a refund.


17.     Refunds

17.1   We may alter or vary a published Eventprogramme which may result in changes to some elements of the performanceline-up, playing times, start and finish times of an Event, or any other aspectof an Event (including without limitation, the Venue). Neither we nor ourauthorised Ticket agents will be liable to you or any other person for anyrefunds or other costs, expenses or other losses resulting from suchalteration, unless it is a Material Alteration which gives a right to a refundunder section 17.2 in which case our only liability will be to issue a refundin accordance with section 17.7.

17.2  You willonly be entitled to a refund of any Tickets you have purchased directly from usor through our authorised Ticket agents, in the following circumstances: i) ifan Event is cancelled in full ii) if the Ticket is for an Event which ispostponed entirely and that Event is rescheduled to another date unless youelect to use your existing Tickets for the rescheduled Event under section 17.4below; iii) in the event of a Material Alteration which gives you the right toa refund under applicable law; iv) as otherwise required under applicable law.

17.3   A Material Alteration is a change whichin our reasonable opinion makes an Event materially different to the Eventwhich all Ticket purchasers, taken generally, could reasonably expect as judgedby reference to the nature and billing of each Event. The following are notMaterial Alterations: changes to the artists unless the Event you are attendingis a concert with a clear headline act; changes to acts and the use ofunderstudies in theatre performances; changes to any advertised attractions orfacilities; changes to performance times; changes to individual band members;shortening of the Event when the majority of it is performed in full; delays orchanges to start times of the Event or a performance; a change of venue toanother location within a reasonable radius (in our discretion) of the plannedEvent.

17.4  Where theEvent is rescheduled to another date, you may elect to use the existing Ticketfor the rescheduled Event in which case you will not be entitled to a refund.

17.5   Unless the authorised Ticket agent statesotherwise, all refunds will be for the face value of the Tickets purchased (orproportionate amount where we agree to refund you for an Event cancelledpart-way through) only and you will not be entitled to a refund of bookingfees, transaction charges or delivery costs. Personal arrangements includingtravel, subsistence and accommodation in relation to the Event which have beenarranged by you are made at your own risk and neither the authorised Ticketagent nor us will have any liability for any such loss of enjoyment or wastedexpenditure in the case of a cancellation, postponement or otherwise.

17.6   A Ticket will not be exchanged or refunded ifit is used for entry into the Event unless any of the circumstances in section 17.2apply.

17.7   Ticket refunds will be processed by theauthorised Ticket agent from whom you purchased a Ticket. Either we or therelevant Ticket agent will provide details of the refund process and deadlinesfor making a claim either through our websites, social media, the media ordirectly or alternatively we may direct you to the refund policy in the Ticketagents’ terms and conditions. Any failure to follow the process and comply withthe deadlines or the refund policy of the relevant Ticket agent from which youpurchased the Tickets or any breach of these Terms may result in the refund notbeing made. Refunds will only be made to the person who originally purchasedthe Tickets. We will not be responsible if any unauthorised Ticket agent fromwhom you purchased Tickets refuses to refund them.

17.8   It is your responsibility to check that anEvent has not been cancelled, rescheduled or suffered a Material Alteration.Information on such matters will be made available as soon as reasonablypossible on the Event website or social media platforms. Guests are advisedthat the website and social media platforms cannot always be updatedimmediately and that circumstances giving rise to cancellation, postponement orMaterial Alterations can sometimes arise immediately prior to an Event. Weadvise you to check before you travel.

17.9   Promotions, deals or discounted offers areprovided at our discretion. All such offers are subject to availability and maybe withdrawn by us at any time. Retrospective refunds are not permitted againstany offer or promotion advertised after a booking is made.

17.10 Any reduction in price, discount or promotionaloffers, either to the face value of the Ticket or otherwise, will not qualifyfor a refund or partial refund and can only be carried forward to future eventsat the Promoter’s discretion.  


18.     Warning

18.1   Strobe lighting, lasers and smoke / hazeeffects and other special effects may be used in some performances.

18.2   Guests accept that exposure to loud music overperiods of time can cause damage hearing. It is the guests’ responsibility toensure that they protect themselves and their children from such exposure if sorequired.

18.3   In attending an Event, guests confirm that theyare aware of the risks associated with attending the Event and Venue and agreethat neither we, any entity owned by us or which owns us (directly orindirectly) or any entity under common ownership with us  (the “Event Companies”) nor any of ourrespective directors, employees, agents, workers, consultants or shareholders(and such persons together with us and the Event Companies shall be the“Promoter Parties”) shall be liable for any accident, injury, loss or damagesustained by any guest, their family, visitors, animals, vehicle or personaleffects however caused unless due to their gross negligence.


19.     Liability

19.1   You agree that the Promoter Parties will not beliable to you for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including you) oryour property however caused (including by the Promoter Parties) in anycircumstances unless due to the negligence or wilful or malicious act of thePromoter Parties.

19.2   You agree that the Promoter Parties shall notbe liable to you for any indirect or consequential costs, claims, actual oralleged losses howsoever arising out of or in connection with the Event and/orour obligations under these Terms including, but not limited to, loss ofprofits, anticipated profits, savings, business or opportunity, or loss ofpublicity or loss of reputation, or opportunity to enhance reputation, or lossof contract or other economic or consequential loss arising from theperformance (or any failure to perform) these Terms.

19.3   The Promoter Parties will not have anyliability to you whatsoever for loss or expenses incurred in connection withthe Event or any cancellation of the Event, including, without limitation,costs of any personal travel, accommodation or hospitality arrangements maderelating to the Event or the cancellation of the Event.

19.4   The Promoter Parties combined maximum liabilityto you in respect of loss, theft or damage to property will be limited to theactual Ticket price paid by you, and as such we strongly discourage guests frombringing any valuable items to an Event.

19.5  TheseTerms do not seek to exclude liability for death or personal injury (i) whichcannot legally be excluded or limited; and (ii) is caused by the gross negligence or wilful default of any ofthe Promoter Parties, or that of anyone for whom the Promoter Parties arelegally liable.


20.     Complaints

20.1   We hope that you enjoy your time at the Event,and have no reason to complain, but should you wish to raise anything with usplease do so before you leave the Event. It is very difficult to deal withcomplaints made after the Event.


21.     Contactdetails

21.1   Should you wish to contact us about the Event,please use the following email address:


22.     General

22.1   To the fullest extent permissible in law, wemay assign all and any of our rights and obligations under these Terms,provided that your rights are not adversely affected.

22.2   If any provision of these Terms is found to beinvalid or unenforceable by a court, the invalid or unenforceable provisionshall be severed or amended in such a manner as to render the rest of theprovision(s) and remainder of these Terms valid or enforceable.

22.3   If we delay or fail to enforce any of theseTerms it will not mean that we have waived our right to do so.

22.4   These Terms (including updates provided via ourwebsite, social media or otherwise) together with the Ticket purchase terms andconditions and constitute the entire agreement between the parties inconnection with the subject matter of these Terms and supersede any previousterms and conditions, agreement or arrangement between you and us relating tothe subject matter of these Terms.

22.5   These Terms shall be governed by English lawand the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts ofEngland and Wales.